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Energy Vortex Special

Card Reading and Energy Clearing

  • InnerFire

    Because you're seeking clarity 

  • InnerFire VIsioning

    Because you're ready for your new beginnings

    • Make the payment

    • Email me with one of the following: a question; an area of focus; or general guidance

    • I'll respond with a photo of the card, any intuitive messages and insights, and a description ofthe energy clearings. 

    a custom art piece attuned to your unique energy for alignment, meditation, and opening to the possibilities for real manifestation PLUS an intuitive reading, clearing, and tools for empowered living.

The perfect gift for yourself or for someone close to you to prepare for the new year. 

This custom painting serves as an energy and meditation tool that is imbued with the person's unique energy, vibrationally aligned to their true self and what they most want to experience, create, and expand in their life. 

It can become part of an intentional meditation practice as a focal point and energetic touch point to keep coming back to and align to a new set point to bring the shifts in your life you would like.

Also, just having it in your space impacts your energy and alignment. If you place it somewhere you see or pass by daily, or in a room you spend time in, that alone will support your energy and alignment toward manifesting, while strengthening your standing in your own experience. This is key for having the clarity to create the experiences and manifestations that are aligned with who you truly are, and not influenced by the expectations, pressures, and status quo of society, family, and energies other than your true expression.

Prepare yourself and your energy for all you would like to create, experience, and manifest throughout this coming year and beyond.

Get a jump-start with personalized support and insight around clearing and strengthening your energy field, and shifting to an Energy-First Paradigm of living. Also receive an energy and meditation tool attuned to you for your Alignment and support, your custom Energy Vortex Painting. 

Are you ready for a paradigm shift?

Align to your true expression and center within your own experience with the support of a meditation piece infused with the energy that is uniquely yours. 

Quantum Energy Alignment

  • Energy First

  • Clear Interference

  • Strengthen Your Energy Integrity

  • Learn to discern your energetic experience... as you learn ways to strengthen your energy integrity. Simply have the Energy Vortex Painting in your space, or use it intentionally as a tool for meditation,  alignment & creating your life.

    The Custom Energy Vortex Painting:

    More than a work of art.

    What It Is

    Not simply a painting you may enjoy having on your wall, this art piece embodies the energetic signature of your personal energy vortex. This is the energy of your highest possibilities that are most prevalent at this time, which you would like to experience and create in your life.

    Remember- everything is energy, so before things come into form and fruition, they exist energetically as potentials. It's when we align to the vibration of those possibilities and shift our energy to match them, that they manifest in our lives. In the meantime, it's about living in the possibilities and strengthening our thoughts, emotions and energy to that new set point.

    And the beauty of the painting holding the energy and being a visual, it bypasses the rational and language formulating aspects of the mind. Bringing you straight to the feeling state and the energy. No thoughts or words to get stuck on. 

    What to Do with It

    Bring it into your space, and allow the energy of YOUR highest good to permeate your environment. Bringing you back into Alignment with who YOU are, assisting you in centering and strengthening your own energy and capacity to manifest from a place of energetic strength and highest possibility.

    > Hang it in a place you spend time in, or pass by in the morning or throughout the day.

    > Place it by your meditation spot or in your morning reflection space, near your personal altar if you have one.

    > Have the image on your phone or computer, so you can touch in with it whenever you want to center, or feel out of alignment

    > Hold the visual of your painting in your mind's eye, and connect to it whenever you need to center and strengthen.

    You are the center of your universe. It's up to you to create your life and experience, while cultivating receptivity and allowing yourself to be supported. How does opportunity show up? How do things manifest? You can choose struggle and efforting, or you can choose to go to your energy first, clearing out the interference of others' beliefs, stories, emotions and energies that are clogging and limiting your capacity to live a life you enjoy. Free yourself from limitation and participate fully in the world in a way that grows possibilities not just for you but for others, by being yourself more and more fully, centered in your own experience, yet aware of the whole. Living the awareness that your true joy, only serves to uplift others. Once you are in energetic integrity, you become like the bamboo with a strong energetic resiliency at your core, while living connected-- both to yourself, as yourself, and to Source, the Universe, All that Is. 

    We all have this capacity. By shifting to our energy first, we can bypass the logical mind (which has it's uses) but which is often unduly influenced by limiting beliefs, stories, energies, expectations, and gets us stuck in a state of inner conflict... a vibrational conflict that does not allow what we are wanting to come to fruition.

    And a key point... it's largely because we lose our joy on the journey, preventing us from being available or receptive because we are not aligned emotionally or energetically with those desired, intuited possibilities. 

    Special Offer $333

    Custom Energy Vortex Meditation Art & Intuitive Session

    A full-on 45-minute session with me to experience firsthand the intuitive insight that can come through, along with the shifts that are possible within seconds.

    Gain insight around a specific issue or situation causing you frustration or challenge in some way, or simply show up to invite insight and energy shift that will support your highest good moving forward.

    And your custom Energy Vortex Meditation & Alignment Painting!

    The Process: During our session, I'll tune into your energy and what is most prevalent in your field around what you would like to create, experience and expand in your life, and share with you how to connect with and visualize it to support coming into alignment and manifesting your highest possibilities. 

    The Painting: The actual painting process takes place after our session, generally over up to 6 painting sessions. Consider them energy clearing and alignment sessions in the quantum...

    We have connected, and in the Quantum Space, we are co-creating the painting and I am supporting you in both aligning to the energies of what you would like to experience, and becoming receptive and allowing (always the highest possibilities, and for your highest good and the highest good of all.)

    A unique, attuned-to-you custom gift for you or someone special at a special celebratory price.

    Another way to play in the energy...

    Check out the Energy Art Prints for Self-Love, Release to Manifest & Self-Empowerment. You can get started playing in the energies on your own with some written and pre=recorded guidance. Or use them as an energy tool to support your existing journaling and manifesting process for shifting your own experience; for self-care; or to amplify and deepen your work with clients, 

    Use Special Code PLAY2023 for $111 off the Set of 3.


    Q. How long is this offer available?

    A. This is a speical offer. This pricing and pairing ($333 for a Custom Energy Vortex Meditation Painting and 45-minute Intuitive Session) is only available for purchase if you have this special link.. 

    Q. When can I schedule my session?

    A. Appointments for the 45-minute session that is part of this offer are available beginning 5/1/23 through 11/2/23. Once you have purchased, you will be directed to a page with a scheduling link. You will also receive an email with the scheduling link in case you are not ready to book the session at time of purchase. 

    Q. I want to purchase this as a gift for someone. How does that work?

    A. On the checkout form, you can check the box that this will be a gift. Then, fill in the Gift Recipient's full name in the field immediately following. I will create a Gift Certificate in the name of the intended recipient that includes the scheduling link, and will email that to you so you can email it or print it out and present it to the person. You can select up to 5 as gifts and if one is for you, simply include your name in the list of intended recipients.

    Q. Is shipping included?

    A. Shipping is included US and Internationally up to $30. If shipping costs exceed $30, I will contact you for payment of the additional shipping cost. 

    > Within the US, the painting will be shipped via UPS or USPS.

    > Internationally, it will most likely be USPS or FedEx.

    Q. How big is the painting?

    A. The painting will be approximately 10x14 inches.

    Within the contiguous US, it will be on 10x14 stretched canvas and shipped flat, unless you prefer unstretched canvas that you can frame, which will be rolled and sent in a shipping tube. When we have our session, I can show you sample paintings so you can see the difference and determine which you would like.

    For international folk and Hawaii/Alaska, for greater ease, safer shipping, I will paint on unstretched canvas. There will be space at the edges beyond the 10x14 painted surface so that you can either have it stretched or matted and framed without losing any of the painting. It will be rolled and sent in a shipping tube.

    How long will it take to receive my Energy Vortex Meditation Painting?

    The whole process will most likely be 4-6 weeks to receive your painting, depending on shipping time and customs processing for international shipments.

    Once you have had your Intuitive Session, I will begin the painting process. Some paintings take up to 6 painting sessions or more, which are all energy sessions connecting into the quantum field and your energy, that are supportive to your alignment process, and part of the energy attunement of the painting.

    With all my paintings, there is an intuitive timing to it, which occasionally results in a longer painting process. If this occurs, I will be in touch and stay in contact with you during this phase.

    How long will my painting be in alignment for me as a meditation piece?

    Currently, my sense of the energy vortex paintings is that they serve actively for alignment purposes up to 18-24 months, although this may vary and be very individualized. You will most likely have a sense if it still resonates with you, and if it is still holding the energies of what you are most focused on creating and experiencing in your life.

    Energy Vortex paintings are excellent support when going through a transition, or when you would like to invite in a transition, manifestation or creation in some area of your life. It can also be used with a focused intention for a time period, such as a birthday/solar return, or some milestone event, becoming a gift for yourself or a loved one periodically.

    Once things have shifted for you, ie, you have aligned to these energies and projects/manifestations have come to fruition, or if you are entering a new phase and experiencing a transition or new direction of some sort, it may be time for a new Energy Vortex that supports you in aligning and receiving the new experience and possibilities which will have a different vibration. 

    You also may find that Your Energy Vortex continues to serve for centering in your own energy. This is your experience, and you will know if/when it no longer resonates for you. You can also always reach out and request a connection call if you would like to check in about whether the energy is still active for you or you are in a place where a new Energy Vortex Painting would be more supportive.

    Q. Can I get an Energy Vortex Painting for my child/children?

    A. Yes! Go to Children's Energy Painting. It includes a 30minute Connection Call with the parent/guardian for babies and children under 16 years old. If your child is older than 15 years old, I request that they be directly involved in the process, giving permission to connect to their energy, and participating in the Connection Call. 

    It is a beautiful piece to have simply hanging in your child's bedroom supporting them by being in the space as it aligns to their unique energy signature and whatever phase they are experiencing. It can also serve as a tool you use to begin teaching your child meditation/centering, energy awareness, and ways to manage big emotions.

    It can also be used as a focal point for the child when experiencing overwhelm, big emotions, or over-stimulation. It's something that is completely unique to them, and can also support you in relating to them as the individual they are, and acknowledging their unique energy signature and expression in this world.

    For children, my sense is that the timeframe for use is longer, coinciding with extended periods of development. Major transition times, ie beginning school, entering middle school or high school, or beginning to explore beyond high school. Also, if something new is unfolding in health, family dynamics, or there are major shifts in behavior, activities focus, there may be new elements at play, and shifts in the energy that is the aligned expression. 

    For any additional information or questions I have not covered, please reach out to me via email at: [email protected] 

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