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Energy Art Prints

for Energy Support, Focus & Empowerment

Individual Prints - $147

Healing Set of All 3 - $388

Each purchase Includes 8"x10" faux-matted gicleé print, PDF Guide, Guided Visualization mp3

Foundational Energies

Sun of Self-Love || Full Moon Release & Manifest || Sun of Self-Empowerment

Immerse yourself in the enveloping energy of love;

clear old and accumulated energies to create space for new;

and center in your own experience to magnetize your highest possibilities.

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ArtPrints 1

An Energetic Focal Point to Support Your Meditation & Alignment & Immerse You in the Energy Theme of the Artwork

These prints carry within them the energies of the titled theme. They come through or are revealed to me before, during, or after the painting sessions, and have been a beautiful and powerful tool and access point for working with my own energy, and that of my clients.

As an energy worker, massage therapist, intuitive-empath, and lifelong seeker & student, I have discovered that my access to the quantum field and as a conduit for these energies extends to my artwork and painting. And each painting session is a massive energy work session and meditation experience, which gets infused into the painting itself, and carries into the print of the artwork.

Unexpectedly, when I finally had the space to paint, something I had wanted to explore for years, I discovered my paintings come out as potent energy tools and focal points. And I've been exploring and playing with how they can be of benefit and ways to relate to them over the last couple of years.

And I am so excited to share them and make them available to you for your own energy support and desired shifts now!

Experience & Embody the Energies of Self-Love, Releaing/Allowing & Self-Empowerment

  • Bring these energies into your space, and receive the quantum support that comes through the energy of each artwork.

  • Deepen your meditation practice with ease. 

  • Create the habit of going to your energy and frequency first... before taking action.

  • Actively or passively engage with the artwork, and shift your experience. 

  • Use these prints and practices for yourself, or in working with others to enhance the experience and possibilities of both you and your client.

  • Bring Focus to your Meditation, Alignment, and Healing Journey

    Purchase the full 3-print set or purchase indivually.

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  • For Personal or Professional Use

    with each print receive:

    1. Energy Art FIne Art Print

    8x10 faux-matted print of original energy art. Gicleé, high-quality acid-free paper and print.

    2.  Guided Visualization mp3

    An audio recording of a Guided Visualization focused on the energy of the accompanying print.

    3. Ways to Use PDF Guide

    A written guide of ways you can incorporate the prints and energy into your home, meditation practice, or professional work.

    Prepare Yourself to Receive and Create by Building a Foundation of Self-Love, Allowing, Preparing to Receive, and Stand Strong in Your Own Experience

    Sun of Self Love

    Sun of Self-Love & Self-Acceptance

    Including yourself in Love, and living from a place of deep love, acceptance and compassion for yourself is the first step to being yourself fully in the world, and creating a life you love and enjoy. This is the foundational energy that magnetizes experiences, qualities, relationships and manifestations, that reflect and align with the joy and possibilities of you.

    Buy Full Moon Release and Allow

    Full Moon: Release & Allow to Manifest

    The Full Moon is a powerful energy and amplifier. While in its full expression, the Moon supports us in releasing what no longer serves, or any accumulated energies, emotions, stories that are self-generated, from the collective, or from other peoples' experience. Access the support of the Full Moon at any time to release and create the space that will allow you to be available to your desired experiences, intentions and opportunities that are always being provided. 

    Buy Sun of Self Empowerment

    Sun of Self-Empowerment & Magnetizing

    Once we are existing in the frequency of Self-Love, and have cleared the space to Allow our highest possibilities and intentions with the support of the Full Moon energy, we can stand in the center of our own experience. And as we access the energy of the Sun of Self-Empowerment, this strengthens us in our own energy, presence, and unique expression, bringing greater clarity to our intentions, and embodying the frequencies to magnetize the opportunities, possibilities, people, and manifestations we are seeking to experience. As we show up in the world and within ourselves from this space, we begin to radiate out into the world, becoming a beacon and magnet to allow our intentions to come to fruition, and experience the joy in the journey along the way.

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  • For Personal Use

    These paintings will support you energetically, simply by having them in your space. And you can bring your attention to them as you go about your day, even connecting to the energy by bringing them to your mind's eye when out in the world.

    Or, you can use them as a visual and energetic focal point to both calm the mind, and bring your frequency into resonance with the particular theme of the energy art piece. Going to energy first can help eliminate resistance, and bring you into resonance with your higher possibilities.

    You can also use them as part of your manifesting and magnetizing practices. Connecting in to each, as you set intentions, clear your energy and raise your frequency, to allow and receive that which you are seeking to create. If you relate to the Moon cycle, use them in conjunction with your New Moon/Waxing/Full Moon/Waning journaling and meditations.

    To Support You, Your Clients & Your Work

    These prints would be supportive for the work of any healing or therapy professional . From coaches and psychologists, to health professionals, including massage therapists, energyworkers, physical therapists, nurses, physicians. And you can have them in your space for you to relate to or bring them to your client's attention, and actively incorporate them into your client work.

    I use these paintings in my bodywork and coaching practice. After experimenting a bit, I found that the energy in the space, and both my experience and that of my client, is significantly enhanced. Whether or not the client is aware of the art!

    Having it in the space, and connecting in with it, shifts my energy and connects me in to the particular themed frequency in the quantum. This naturally, without thought, just attention/awareness, creates a space infused with the energy, bringing in quantum support.

    In turn, the client experience is deepened with ease and support... the energy that comes through the artwork, an energy tool that brings us into resonance with these higher frequencies, and allows for much to shift in beautiful and healing ways.

    As with any modality or therapy, receptivity and shifts occur when there is receptivity in the practitioner and the client. And this can be at the more subtle energetic levels. So it is always only supportive.

    Personal Energy & Meditation Tool to Focus Your Energy

    For Healing Professionals to Support Their Clients & Work

  • Connect into & immerse yourself in the energy of Self-Love, Full Moon for releasing and allowing in the new, and the energy of Self-Empowerment and Magnetizing.

  • Use these paintings to support your meditation practice, connecting straight in to the energy, and attuning your energy system to the foundational frequencies for shifting our experience to its highest possibilities and manifesting with intention.

  • Create the habit of going to energy first, rather than trying to figure things out

  • Support yourself in client session accessing this energy for your support and self-care.

  • Enhance the experience of your client through bringing these energies into the space whether you are in person or online.

  • Use these prints and their energy as an energy tool to specifically bring the particular energy into your work, either as the practitioner, or actively engaging your client with the energy.

  • Interested in learning about working with Becca directly? Or getting your personal Energy Vortex painting to support you in your Alignment and Manifesting? Learn More Here

    Energy Art Prints & Guided Meditation mp3

    Questions? Email: [email protected]

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