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InnerFire Visioning with Becca Weinstein

Private Intuitive Sessions

Receive and Allow the support you need to navigate your world through Trust and Intuition. Learn to Live & Create from Being in your Highest Possibilities.

Yes! I am ready to be supported & empowered.

Becca made me feel very comfortable during my session and was able to quickly pinpoint my problem areas without any cues from me.

With just a couple of exercises I felt more energetically aligned and the pain in one of the areas completely disappeared. I am very thankful for having 'found' Becca."

~ Sheila J.

Get the support

you need to live a life you


My own journey fraught with challenges, traumas, sensitivities and empathic nature, has laid the foundation for me to be able to share with you in this way. Our journeys never end; our growth in awareness and consciousness eternal. Yet, we are stronger together, and we all can use support and for someone to shine a light on any blindspots we may have to clear. Always while learning to strengthen and grow in our own awareness, and ultimately trusting our own inner guidance.

My aim is to share with you what comes naturally to me, my gifts so-to-speak, and support you in coming into alignment with your true expression, living in your highest possibilities, and establishing trust in your intuitive experience as you learn to strengthen and maintain energetic integrity. All of which I have had to learn to trust and allow over the years, while shifting from being in constant overwhelm and seemingly at odds with the world around me to being an empowered empath with ever-growing energetic integrity.

It's been a lot of trial & error, adventure and exploration. A lot of learning through experience, getting support and learning from various teachers, reading a lot of books, and integrating it all with my own direct knowing.

You don't have to go it alone. And while your journey and aligned expression is unique to you, it serves to get support in order to identify and release any interference or conditioning that has created blindspots, have our strengths, gifts, and highest possibilities reflected back to us. 

Presence & Intuitive Awareness

Throughout my life, I've been on a journey of coming home to myself. Increasingly building trust in my own experience and the Universe unfolding.

I bring this presence and awareness to each session, holding the space for your own unfolding and strengthening of your InnerFire connection to your highest self and the universe.

Highly empathic and intuitive, I receive many levels of information, and serve as both amplifier and anchor for your process.


When I connect with you and your energy, I see the possibilities. Different trajectories and timelines that shift based on your energy, your intentions, and alignment. 

I support you in stepping into those possibilities, and developing your own intuitive guidance system, as you navigate, innovate and create what you want for your life, your business, and the world.

Within those possibilities, I also see aspects of your soul experience and lifetimes that may be impacting your life now. Together, we shift, release, and expand energies, to allow for your highest possibilities and the fullness of your unique expression and gifts to be expressed.

Experience & Knowledge

From studying global and interpersonal dynamics, to delving inward on my own spiritual path, I continue to broaden and deepen both knowledge and experience of being energy and being human.

For over 17 years, I have also worked with people doing intuitive massage, integrative bodywork and holistic health coaching.

You CAN feel lighter and more free in your body, emotions, and energy.

The weight of the world, the energies of others, or of your past experiences, do not have to weigh you down or keep you from feeling great in your whole self and enjoying your life. 

Many times, we are too close to a situation, or have a blind spot in how we perceive our experience.

This may inhibit us from releasing the patterns, energies, and emotions and keep us from aligning with our highest possibilities in each moment.

Or lead us to get stuck in lower energy states, difficult emotions or judgments, and feeling limited about what is possible in the various aspects of our life.

Perhaps you find it difficult to enjoy life, your nervous system feels fried, and trying to realize your dreams and aspirations feels always out of reach.

Choose Your Package

What to Expect from the Online Sessions

This is your life. This is your journey.

Each session is unique to you, as you are in the moment, as we bring forward what will most support you on this beautiful adventure... which may at times feel more like a storm of chaos, overwhelm and frustration.

You can shift this. And you don't need to do it on your own.

Together, we will discover insights, develop your awareness. Build your trust in yourself and in the support all around you, while you learn ways to release past/present influences and interference distorting or limiting you in any given moment.

Learn to be in the world and relate to life not from a higher perspective or mindset, but literally from a way of being that simply IS a higher vibe kind of way.

Experience a new physical, emotional, and energetic reality as you live your life in this state, so that whatever storm may cause turbulence around you, you remain centered, connected and know what to do to shift yourself back into a higher functioning state.

Intuitive Insight

Together, we invite information around what may be influencing your lived experience, blocking or limiting you in some way, related to your primary concern. Whether from the past of this life or another, these insights can lead to releasing patterns and energies you've struggled with, possibly your whole life through understanding events, challenges, relationships, in a new way that allows for profound shifts with ease

Shifts in Your Experience

From those insights, we become aware of where to place focus on releasing, expanding, and allowing your your energetic field. Coupled with increasing energy awareness in your body and experience, you are able to drop into the Ground of Being, the possibilities of a given moment, and significantly shift the trajectory of your life experience and circumstances. 

Energy Awareness

Everything is energy. As such, the thoughts we have, the emotions we feel, the experience of those close to us and the collective, all impact us energetically. Learning to connect with our energetic experience, we can shift a lot really quickly without getting lost in the story, or overwhelmed by difficult emotions. When we go into the energy first, alignment and intentional creation come with greater ease. And, it becomes clear when we need some self-care to recalibrate.

Tools & Practices

There are many possible tools and practices I may draw upon, ranging from guided meditation, quantum energy support, breath work, inquiry, and energy work and more. In your sessions and over the course of our work together, I intuit which seem most supportive. While you explore what resonates most with you, and how best to incorporate them into your daily life.

3 Sessions


  • Three 1-hour Intuitive Sessions

  • Intuitive Guidance & Clearing Work

  • Increased Energy Integrity & Awareness

  • Get Grounded, Raise Your Frequency & Learn to BE 

I'd like some more support!

For these options, one of the following must apply:

  • I already have a Personal Alignment Painting.

  • I have one or all of the Energy Art Prints set 1.

  • I am currently or have been a massage & energy work client of Becca's.

  • I have attended an InnerFire Visioning workshop with Becca.

1 Session


  • 1-hour Intuitive Session

  • I'd like to check in, do some clearing around something specific.

  • I would like to see what particular energy practices would be most supporting for me right now.

Quick Check-in & Clarification Please!

For quick check-in, personalized review of any energy practices, and questions you may have but would prefer a private session versus during a Space for Joy Connection Call, schedule a 30-minute session. $88

30min Check-in