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Connect Within & Navigate Your Journey

Empowered and Supported

What It Is

This artwork is a tool for your evolution. It is a visual and energetic access point to your unique whole self. It also holds the energies of what you are seeking to create, expand, and experience during this next phase of your personal and professional journey.

In the chaos of the world around you, you can use your Personal Alignment Painting to focus your energy and your mind. To recenter in your own knowing. To clear out any accumulated energies, emotions you may have taken on that are not yours, and may be affecting you. To find clarity, make aligned decisions, and calm your nervous sytem.

This painting serves as a means to reconnect to yourself, to the field of possibilities. It is a potent tool for empowerment, clarity, and strengthening from within. It connects you to your personal evolutionary energies as the beautiful being you are, while creating the space to enjoy the journey.

Included with your painting is a 1-1 Energy Insight Session that is organic and customized to what will support you best. Our session together is a space to connect, identify, and clear what may be occluding your true radiant expression, and tap into the energy of your highest possibilities.

Some Ways to Engage with Your Painting

  • Hang it somewhere you spend time, or pass by at least once during the day. 

  • Place it by your meditation spot or in your morning reflection space.

  • Re-Center in your own energy throughout the day- between clients, engaging in the world & with others.

  • Connect to it as you work for focus and clarity. 

  • Use it to enhance any practice you already do that is supportive, from EFT to journaling, breathwork, meditation, visioning & more. 

  • Have the image on your phone or computer, so you can connect with it whenever you want to center or feel out of alignment.

  • Apply the tools and practices you’ll learn in our session and community as you connect to your artwork to actively shift and align.

Personal Alignment Painting pink, green, indigo in white frame on white side table, surrounded by leafy green plants.
Personal Alignment Painting orange, yellow, teal, indigo  image on smartphone, laying on wooden tray with cup of coffee, croissant, next to gray blanket with tassels.

What This Includes

  • Your Personal Alignment Painting: 11"x14" Acrylic on Canvas & shipping up to $25 US

  • A Digital Image of Your Painting: for use on phone, tablet, computer

  • Energy Insight Session with Becca 

  • Access to the Space for Joy Community & private Facebook Group

Bonus Offer:

I anticipate this offer evolving and changing over time, including pricing. And after your first purchase, you will continue to get special pricing for new offers, as well as exclusive access and opportunities for support and services as they are in development.

For adults, the timeline seems to be anywhere from 6 months to 2+ years that the painting is resonant. This is based on when you feel complete with your current phase of experience, when you are ready for your next major shifts, or if there’s been a major life change. Some may also find they feel connected to a particular time annually, such as a birthday or seasonal event, and prefer to intentionally shift focus and energy for the year.

For babies, children and teens, the timeline may generally be a longer period of resonance due to their developmental phases. A painting may be resonant anywhere from 2-6 years depending on their age, and any major changes in experience that occur. The format of how we work together and pricing is also different. Learn More

A Prenatal Personal Alignment Painting is a beautiful way to connect with your baby during pregnancy into the first year or so, acknowledging the unique yet deeply connected energy of this new being coming into the world and also the mother's energy. It is also an opportunity to prepare your energy and cultivate the shifts that will support you in this transformational and transitional time.


As I work on my business and make decisions, and seek clarity, I connect to my painting. It’s on the wall in my office, and it helps me get centered, inspiration flows, and I know what I am creating is aligned. Also, I feel myself shifting and growing to meet the new energy of what I want to bring to the world.   


Personal Alignment Painting pink, cobalt blue and fluorescent pink , hanging from two wires.
Personal Alignment Painting blue, greens, yellows, hanging on white wall above desk with closed laptop and chair in front.

My two teenage sons use their paintings when they are doing schoolwork. They have them placed right on the wall in front of their desk, and find that their personal alignment painting helps them focus, and get unstuck as they work on essays and projects.


The Space for Joy Community

Support & Connection

Come together with others who are seeking to align to their whole self, and be that fully in the world. People who also get that this inner alignment directly affects our experience of life, and supports our highest expression of ourselves. Learn and explore tools and practices to navigate life in a way that honors your 

It's a space to cultivate personal energetic integrity and empowerment, in service to your own experience and the allowing of love and joy. This is accompanied with the awareness that as the individual raises their frequency and comes into their alignment and full expression, the collective consciousness raises, becoming reflected in the state of our communities, our world, and the systems we create. 

What this looks like currently:

  • Live Monthly Group Connection & Activation Session

  • Create Space Monthly Clearing Sessions (recording)

  • Private Facebook Group

  • Recordings Library

  • Access to 1-1 Check-ins, Energy Support Sessions & Support Opportunities

Phone with image of Personal Alignment Painting yellow, blues, indigo laying on desktop next to open laptop, with open zip pencil case and pens and pencils, and some flowers partially showing at the top.

Receiving Your

Personal Alignment Painting

Infographic detailing the 5 steps of the Personal Alignment Painting process
Graytone shadows on wall and desk with plant, eyeglasses, and tabletop framed Personal Alignment Painting in pinks, yellows, oranges, sky blue, and indigo.

Curious but want to connect first? Schedule a Connection Call to learn more about the possibilities of alignment through your personal energy painting & how it and I can support you on your journey.

Framed Personal Alignment Painting in olive greens, golds with pink resting against old metal shed wall on top of vintage instrument with metal stool to the left, candles, white flowers.
Casual Headshot of Becca

From a young age, Becca has been attuned to global and individual suffering, possessing an innate sense of possibilities and potential. Her journey, spanning studies in peace and conflict at the University of Notre Dame, full-time service, and a personal quest for healing, focuses on bringing peace and healing to individuals and the collective. With 20 years of experience as an intuitive and energy-aware Licensed Massage Therapist and wellness coach, Becca now creates art as energy tools for personal alignment and facilitates access to the quantum field effortlessly. 

It is her joy to connect in this way and support you on your journey... both the evolution of the individual and our collective experience.

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